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[Tamie Fraser at exhibition in Nigeria]
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[Malcolm Fraser speaking to two men with recording devices during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Tamie Fraser at a crocodile farm in the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser and others at an unidentified meeting during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Tamie Fraser at an outback pub in Gagudju in Cooinda during an official visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser greeting unidentified Aboriginal Australian girl and women during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm (taking a photograph) and Tamie Fraser and others on a boat trip in Kakadu National Park]
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[A crocodile in Kakadu National Park]
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[A crocodile in Kakadu National Park]
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[Malcolm and Tamie Fraser and others on a boat in Kakadu National Park]
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[Malcolm and Tamie Fraser and a Kakadu ranger on a boat]
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[Tamie Fraser and a Kakadu ranger on a boat]
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[Malcolm and Tamie Fraser with a group of Aboriginal Australian Kakadu rangers]
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[Malcolm and Tamie Fraser and an unidentified Aboriginal Australian man with a piece of artwork]
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[Malcolm and Tamie Fraser and an unidentified Aboriginal Australian ranger at the opening of the Kakadu National Park headquarters]
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[Malcolm Fraser and others at the opening of Kakadu National Park headquarters]
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[Malcolm Fraser waving a flag at what appears to be a car race in the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser and others at an unidentified ceremony during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser and others at an unidentified ceremony during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser and others at an unidentified ceremony during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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[Malcolm Fraser and unidentified Aboriginal Australians at the official commencement of the Yulara Tourist Resort Project]
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[Malcolm Fraser and unidentified Aboriginal Australians at the official commencement of the Yulara Tourist Resort Project]
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[Malcolm Fraser and unidentified Aboriginal Australians at the official commencement of the Yulara Tourist Resort Project]
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[Malcolm Fraser in a crowd of people during a visit to the Northern Territory]
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