IdentifierUMA-ACE-20140154Extent45 boxesLinear Meterage7.65Scope and ContentPapers and correspondence from Australians All (Malcolm Fraser's website against racism and discrimination), invitations and appointments, interviews, Sri Lanka subject file, Australian International Health Institute. Drafts of foreign policy book Dangerous Allies. Audiovisual material including video tapes, cassettes, DVDs.
Items from this series are being released for research as it is access examined, arranged and described.Collection CategoryCommunity and PoliticalAccess StatusAccess restrictions apply for some itemsRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this accessionSearch within this Accession
Fraser, John Malcolm, [2014.0154] Papers of John Malcolm Fraser (1994-2012), [UMA-ACE-20140154]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 08/02/2025,