IdentifierUMA-ACE-20150165Extent305 unitsLinear Meterage51.85Scope and ContentThis accession consists of the final transfer of Malcolm Fraser's papers from his closing office in Melbourne to the University of Melbourne Archives following his death.
The records include well arranged subject, correspondence, media and reference files on a wide range of topics and organisations, speeches, outwards "chrons" ['Chronicles' outward correspondence] series from 1986-2015, and diaries. Framed items including paintings, certificates, memorabilia and signed photographs were also transferred. The main categories of items in this recordkeeping system are detailed in System of Arrangement.
Items from this series are being released for research as it is access examined, arranged and described.ArrangementThe original system of arrangement of these files was in order of the following categories, with some overlap.
Interaction Council; CARE Australia; International conferences and meetings; Aboriginal rights; Speeches; Reference files; General Correspodence; Media; Patronage; Aboriginal Australians; Liberal Party; Islamic-Muslum Affairs; Travel; General [topics and people]; Refugees-Human Rights; Interaction Council Reports; China-USA-Australia; National Archives and University of Melbourne Archives; Diaries; Chronicles; CARE; Dangerous Allies Research; Certificates-Plaques-Memorabilia; Commonwealth Government Archives; Resignation; Books; Clubs; Vietnamese Boat People; Certificates.Collection CategoryCommunity and PoliticalAccess StatusAccess restrictions apply for some itemsRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this accessionSearch within this Accession
Fraser, John Malcolm, [2015.0165] PAPERS OF JOHN MALCOLM FRASER (1956-2005), [UMA-ACE-20150165]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 08/02/2025,