IdentifierUMA-SRE-20050080Extent22 boxesLinear Meterage3.74Scope and ContentTravel files. This series consists of folder of travel arrangements made on behalf of former Prime Minister J M (Malcolm) Fraser following his resignation from Federal Parliament on 31 March 1983 after the defeat of the Liberal-Coalition Government at the election of 5 March 1983. After leaving federal politics, Mr Fraser has held several significant appointments including with CARE Australia and CARE International; the United Nations and the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons. He was also active on American lecture circuit. The series details these activities and the arrangements for them, as well as arrangements for intra- and interstate travel and various fishing trips. File contents include correspondence, maps, itineraries, lists of appointments, seminar schedules, booking slips and airline ticket stubs. The various file titles reflect the reason for particular travel, e.g. CARE International-Berlin; Public Policy Week- Washington DC; Institutional Investors-South Carolina; Handover Ceremony-Hong Kong; Auscham Conference-Beijing and Fishing-New Zealand. Formerly National Archives of Australia series M2061.Collection CategoryCommunity and PoliticalAccess StatusOpen for public accessRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this SeriesSearch within this Series
Fraser, John Malcolm, [UMA-SRE-20050080] TRAVEL FILES (1983-1992), [UMA-SRE-20050080]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 08/02/2025,